Nanjing Tong Rui Bio-Tech Co., Ltd. referred to as TRB, has been focusing on natural extracts more than 20 years, TRB is a technology-based company that combines R&D, production and international market sales. TRB products include the plant extracts, animal extracts, sweeteners, nootropics, fruit juice and vegetable powders, essential oils and nutrition supplements. TRB bħalissa għandu żewġ fabbriki, waħda hija fabbrika pura tal-estratt tal-pjanti naturali, l-oħra hija fabbrika tal-prodott tan-naħal, u għandna serje ta 'ċertifikati bħal ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP, ORGANIĊI, FDA, HALAL, KOSHER.



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