Engros Borage olje produsenter og leverandører | Tong Rui Bio-Tech

borage Oil

Kort beskrivelse:

Evening Primrose Oil Contains a kind of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) called Gamma Linoleinic Acid (GLA for short). These fatty acids can not be synthesized by the human body’s own, also are not found in the normal diet, yet it is an essential intermediate in human metabolism, therefore it is necessary to absorb from the daily nutient supplement.Borage oil, which extracted from borage seeds, has one of the highest amounts of γ-linolenic acid (GLA) of seed oils. It has great advantage in improving heart and brain function and easing premenstrual syndromes. Borage oil is always regarded as a good choice for functional food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry.

  • FOB Pris: US $0.5 - 2000 / KG
  • Min.Order Antall: 1 KG
  • Forsyning Ability: 10000 kg / per måned
  • Betalings Betingelser: L / C, D / A, D / P, T / T
  • :
  • Produkt detalj


    Borage-olje, som ekstraheres fra agurkurt-frø, har en av de høyeste mengder γ-linolensyre (GLA) av frø oljer. Det har stor fordel i å forbedre hjerte og hjerne funksjon og lettelser premenstruelle syndromer. Borage olje er alltid å betrakte som et godt valg for funksjonell mat, farmasøytisk og kosmetikkindustrien.


    Produktnavn: B orage Oil

    Latinsk navn: Borago officin

    CAS No.:84012-16-8

    Plant del Brukes: Seed

    Ingredienser: Syretall: 1.0meKOAH / kg, brytningsindeks: 0,915 ~ 0,925, gamma-linolensyre 17,5 ~ 25%

    Farge: gyllen gul i fargen, også ha en betydelig mengde tykkelse og en sterk nøtteaktig smak.

    GMO Status: GMO Free

    Emballasje: i 25kg / plast Drum, 180kg / sink Drum

    Oppbevaring: Hold beholderen uåpnet på et kjølig, tørt sted, Holdes vekk fra sterkt lys

    Holdbarhet: 24 måneder fra produksjonsdato



    -Adjusts Parfyme PMS, utgivelse smerter i bryst

    -Prevents høyt blodtrykk, høyt blodfett, og arterosklerose

    -Holder fuktighet i huden, anti-aldring

    -Har anti-inflammatorisk virkning



    -Spice: Tannkrem, munnvann, tyggegummi, bar-tending, sauser

    -Aromatherapy: Parfyme, sjampo, parfyme, luftrenser

    -Physiotherapy: Medisinsk behandling og helsetjenester

    -Mat: Drikke, baking, godteri og så videre

    -Pharmaceutical: Legemidler, helse mat, ernæring kosttilskudd og så videre

    -Husholdningenes og daglig bruk: Sterilisering, anti-inflammatorisk, drive mygg, damper, sykdomsforebygging


    Sertifikat for analyse


    Produktnavn: Borage Seed Oil
    Batchnummer: TRB-BO-20190505
    MFG Dato: May 5,2019



    spesifikasjon Testresultater
    F atty Acid Profile
    Gamma Linolenic Acid C18:3ⱳ6 18.0%~23.5% 18.30%
    Alpha Linolenic Acid C18:3ⱳ3 0.0%~1.0% 0.30%
    Palmitic Acid C16:0 8.0%~15.0% 9.70%
    Stearic Acid C18:0 3.0%~8.0% 5.10%
    Oleic Acid C18:1 14.0%~25.0% 19.40%
    Linoleic Acid C18:2 30.0%~45.0% 37.60%
    Eicosenoic Aci C20:1 2.0%~6.0% 4.10%
    Sinapinic Acid C22:1 1.0%~4.0% 2.30%
    Nervonic Acid C24:1 0.0%~4.50% 1.50%
    Others 0.0%~4.0% 1.70%
    Physical & Chemical Properties
    Color(Gardner) G3~G5 G3.8
    Acid Value ≦2.0mg KOH/g 0.2mg KOH/g
    Peroxide Value ≦5.0meq/kg 2.0meq/kg
    S aponification Value 185~195mg KOH/g 192mg KOH/g
    Anisidine Value ≦10.0 9.50
    Iodine Value 173~182 g/100g 178 g/100g
    S peficic Gravity 0.915~0.935 0.922
    Refractive Index 1.420~1.490 1.460
    Unsaponifiable Matter ≦ 2,0% 0.2%
    Mositure & Volatile ≦0.1% 0.05%
    Mikrobiologisk kontroll
    Total aerobic Count ≦ 100cfu / g Sams
    Yeast ≦25cfu/g Sams
      Mold ≦25cfu/g Sams
    Aflatoxin ≦2ug/kg Sams
    E coli Negativ Sams
    Salmonella sp. Negativ Sams
    Staph Aureus Negativ Sams
    Contaminants Control
    Sum of Dioxin 0.75pg/g Sams
    Sum of Dioxins and Dioxin-like PCBS 1.25pg/g Sams
    PAH-Benzo(a)pyrene 2.0ug/kg Sams
    PAH-Sum 10.0ug/kg Sams
    Lead ≦ 0,1 mg / kg Sams
    Cadmium ≦ 0,1 mg / kg Sams
    Mercury ≦ 0,1 mg / kg Sams
    Arsenic ≦ 0,1 mg / kg Sams
    Pakking og lagring
    Pakking Pack in 190drum,filled with nitrogen
    Oppbevaring The borage seed oil should be stored at cool(10~15℃),dry place and protected from direct light and heat.In the unopend plastic durm,the durability of the oil is 24 months(from date of production).Once opened the drums have to be refilled with nitrogen,closed airlight and the oil has to be used up within in 6 months
    holdbarhet 2 years if sealed and stored properly.

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