Borongan pabrik Minyak Flaxseed na suppliers | Tong Rui Bio-Tech

Minyak Flaxseed

Pondok Description:

Flaxseed Oil, also known as linseed oil and scientifically known as Linum usitatissimum, is a vegetable oil derived from the extremely nutritious and disease-preventing flaxseed with nutty and slightly sweet flavor.Similar to its seed, flaxseed oil is loaded with healthy omega-3s, fatty acids that have been associated with healthier brains and hearts, better moods, decreased inflammation, and healthier skin and hair.

Organic Flaxseed Oil has the highest content of omega-3s out of all the vegetable oils available on market. Omega-3 fatty acids play important roles in all sorts of bodily processes, including inflammation, heart health and brain function. Being deficient in omega-3s is associated with lower intelligence, depression, heart disease, arthritis, cancer and many other health problems.

  • FOB Harga: US $0.5 - 2000 / KG
  • Min.Order kuantitas: 1 KG
  • Suplai Kamampuhan: 10000 KG / per Bulan
  • Pelabuhan: Shanghai / Beijing
  • Sarat pembayaran: L / C, D / A, D / P, T / T
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    Tags produk

    Minyak Flaxseed, also known as linseed oil and scientifically known as Linum usitatissimum, is a vegetable oil derived from the extremely nutritious and disease-preventing flaxseed with nutty and slightly sweet flavor.

    Sarupa jeung siki na, minyak flaxseed geus dieusian ku cageur omega-3s, asam lemak nu geus dikaitkeun kalayan brains healthier na hate, moods hadé, turun peradangan, sarta kulitna healthier sarta bulu.

    Organic Flaxseed Oil has the highest content of omega-3s out of all the vegetable oils available on market. Omega-3 fatty acids play important roles in all sorts of bodily processes, including inflammation, heart health and brain function. Being deficient in omega-3s is associated with lower intelligence, depression, heart disease, arthritis, cancer and many other health problems.


    Ngaran produk: Minyak Flaxseed

    Ngaran Latin: Linum usitatissimum L.

    CAS No.:8001-26-1

    Tutuwuhan Bagian Dipaké: Kelor

    Bahan: asam Palmitic 5.2-6.0, stearic asam 3.6-4.0 toléat asam 18.6-21.2, asam linoléat 15.6-16.5, linolenat asam 45.6-50.7

    Warna: konéng emas di warna, ogé ngabogaan jumlah considerable of ketebalan sarta rasa nutty kuat.

    Status GMO: GMO Free

    Packing: di 25Kg / Plastik Drum, 180Kg / Séng Drum

    Neundeun: Simpen wadahna unopened di tiis, tempat garing, Simpen jauh ti lampu kuat

    Rak Kahirupan: 24 bulan ti tanggal produksi



    kolesterol -Lower

    -Protect ngalawan panyakit jantung tur kadalikeun darah tinggi

    peradangan -Counter pakait sareng asam urat, lupus 

    kabebeng -Control na gallstones 



    -Food: salaku minyak masak pikeun pangan tiis, atawa minyak salad.

    -Cosmetic: salaku minyak pamawa, mantuan nyegah wrinkles sarta tetep Uap kulit, anti sepuh.

    dahareun -Health: di softgel kapsul, hiji sumber nabati of omega 3, alus keur fungsi uteuk.


    Inpo leuwih ti TRB

    Sunda sertifikasi egulation
    USFDA, Acép, halal halal GMP Sértipikat ISO
    Quality dipercaya
    Ampir 20 taun, ékspor 40 nagara jeung wewengkon, leuwih ti 2000 bets dihasilkeun TRB boga masalah naon kualitas, prosés purifikasi unik, impurity jeung kontrol purity papanggih USP, ep na CP
    System Quality komprehensif


    ▲ Quality System jaminan

    ▲ kontrol Dokumén

    ▲ Validasi System

    ▲ Pelatihan System

    ▲ internal Inok Protocol

    ▲ System Inok Suppler

    ▲ Equipment Fasilitas System

    ▲ Bahan System Control

    ▲ System Control Produksi

    ▲ bungkusan System panyiri

    ▲ Laboratorium System Control

    ▲ Verifikasi System Validasi

    ▲ Regulasi Urusan System

    Sumber jeung prosés sakabeh kontrol
    Mastikeun dikawasa sakabeh bahan baku, asesoris jeung bungkusan materials.Preferred bahan jeung asesoris jeung bahan kemasan atah supplier kalayan AS DMF number.Several suppliers bahan baku salaku jaminan suplai.
    Lembaga Koperasi kuat pikeun ngarojong
    Institute of botani / Institusi tina mikrobiologi / Akademi Élmu jeung téhnologi / Universitas

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