pabrik inositol borongan na suppliers | Tong Rui Bio-Tech


Pondok Description:

Inositol (hexahydroxycyclohexane) nyaéta konstituén alam disebarkeun luas ngeunaan tutuwuhan jeung sasatoan jaringan. Jaringan sato richest di inositol aya otak, jantung, burih, ginjal, limpa, jeung ati, tempat eta lumangsung bébas atawa salaku komponén fosfolipid. Diantara tatangkalan, cereals mangrupakeun sumber euyeub ngeunaan inositol, utamana dina bentuk éster asam polyphosphoric, disebut asam phytic. Sanajan aya sababaraha kamungkinan optik aktif na teu aktif isomér, pertimbangan ti inositol salaku aditif pangan ngarujuk husus pikeun optik aktif cis-1,2,3,5-trans-4,6-cyclohexanehexol, nu geus preferably ditunjuk myo-inositol. inositol murni téh stabil bodas amis, sanyawa,, kristalin. The Food Kimia Kodék hususna nu eta assay moal kirang ti 97,0 persén, ngalembereh antara 224 sarta 227 °, sarta ngandung teu leuwih ti 3 arsén ppm, 10 ppm kalungguhan, 20 ppm logam beurat (sakumaha PB), 60 ppm sulfat, sarta 50 ppm klorida. Inositol ieu panginten pikeun waktos janten vitamin hiji sabab sato eksperimen dina diet sintétik dimekarkeun tanda klinis nya éta dilereskeun ku supplementation inositol. Sanajan kitu, henteu kofaktor atawa fungsi katalitik pikeun inositol geus kapanggih; eta bisa disintésis na lumangsung dina konsentrasi rélatif di jaringan sato. Faktor ieu ngajawab ngalawan klasifikasi salaku vitamin a. A sarat dietary di lalaki teu acan diadegkeun.

  • FOB Harga: US $0.5 - 2000 / KG
  • Min.Order kuantitas: 1 KG
  • Suplai Kamampuhan: 10000 KG / per Bulan
  • Pelabuhan: Shanghai / Beijing
  • Sarat pembayaran: L / C, D / A, D / P, T / T
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  • jéntré produk

    Tags produk

    Inositol (hexahydroxycyclohexane) is a widely distributed natural constituent of plant and animal tissues. The animal tissues richest in inositol are brain, heart, stomach, kidney, spleen, and liver, where it occurs free or as a component of phospholipids. Among plants, cereals are rich sources of inositol, particularly in the form of polyphosphoric acid esters, called phytic acids. Although there are several possible optically active and inactive isomers, considerations of inositol as a food additive refer specifically to optically inactive cis-1,2,3,5-trans-4,6-cyclohexanehexol, which is preferably designated myo-inositol. Pure inositol is a stable, white, sweet, crystalline compound. The Food Chemicals Codex specifies that it assay not less than 97.0 percent, melt between 224 and 227°, and contain not more than 3 ppm arsenic, 10 ppm lead, 20 ppm heavy metals (as Pb), 60 ppm sulfate, and 50 ppm chloride. Inositol was thought for a time to be a vitamin because experimental animals on a synthetic diet developed clinical signs that were corrected by inositol supplementation. However, no cofactor or catalytic function for inositol has been found; it can be synthesized and occurs in relatively high concentration in animal tissues. These factors argue against its classification as a vitamin. A dietary requirement in man has not been established.

    Ngaran produk: inositol

    Spésifikasi: Min 97,0%

    Kimia Pasipatan: White kristal atawa bubuk kristalin, euweuh bauan, sarta amis; kapadetan relatif: 1.752 (anhidrat), 1.524 (dihydrate), MP 225 ~ 227 ℃ (anhidrat), 218 ° C (dihydrate), titik golak 319 ° C. Leyur dina cai (25 ° C, 14g / 100mL; 60 ° C, 28g / 100mL), rada telat dina étanol, asam asétat, étilén glikol jeung gliserol, leyur na éter, acetone na chloroform. Stabil dina hawa; Stabil panas, asam sarta alkali, tapi mangrupa hygroscopic.

    CAS No: 87-89-8

    Analisis Eusi: akurat beuratna 200 sample mg (pre-garing dina 105 ° C pikeun 4h), sarta nempatkeun kana beaker 250ml. Tambahkeun 5ml tina campuran antara hiji asam sulfat solusi (TS-241) nguji sarta 50 anhidrida asétat, lajeng nutupan kaca nonton. Saatos Élmu sarta Téknik on mandi uap keur 20min, niiskeun deui dina hiji mandi és, tambahkeun cai 100ml, sarta kulub 20min. Sanggeus cooling, mindahkeun sampel kana 250 ml misahkeun corong ngagunakeun jumlah leutik cai. Successively make 30, 25, 20, 15, 10 jeung 5 ml chloroform nimba solusi salila genep kali (mimiti siram beaker nu). Kabéh ékstrak chloroform ieu dikumpulkeun dina 250m1 misahkeun corong kadua. Ngumbah ékstrak dicampur 10ml cai. Nempatkeun solusi chloroform ngaliwatan katun wol corong sarta mindahkeun ka hiji pre-ditimbang Soxhlet flask 150ml. Paké 10ml of chloroform keur nyeuseuh dina corong misahkeun sarta corong, sarta diasupkeun ka sari ka. Menguap ka kagaringan dina mandi ngukus, lajeng mindahkeun eta dina oven dina 105 ° C pikeun drying 1h. Niiskeun deui di desiccator a, sarta beuratna eta. Paké jumlah diala genep inositol asétat balikeun ku 0,4167, nyaéta jumlah saluyu tina inositol (C6H12O6).



    1. As food supplements, has a similar effect to vitamin B1. It can be used for infant foods and used in an amount of 210~250mg/kg; Used in drinking in an amount of 25~30mg/kg.
    2. Inositol is an indispensible vitamin for lipid metabolism in the body. It can promote the absorption of hypolipidemic medicines and vitamins. Moreover, it can promote the cell growth and fat metabolism in liver and other tissues. It can be used for the adjuvant treatment of fatty liver, high cholesterol. It is widely used in food and feed additives, and is often added to fish, shrimp and livestock feed. The amount is 350-500mg/kg.
    3. The product is one kind of the complex vitamin B, which can promote cell metabolism, improve the cell nutrient conditions, and can contribute to development, increase appetite, to recuperate. Moreover, it can prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver, and accelerate the process of removing excess fat in heart. It has a similar lipid-chemotactic action as choline, and therefore useful in the treatment of hepatic fatty excessive disease and cirrhosis of the liver disease. According to the “food fortifier use of health standards (1993)” (Issued by the Ministry of Health of China), it can be used for infant food and fortified beverages at an amount of 380-790mg/kg. It is a vitamin class medicines and lipid-lowering drug which promote the fat metabolism of liver and other tissues, and be useful for the adjuvant treatment of fatty liver and high cholesterol. It is widely used in additives of food and beverage.
    4. Inositol is widely used in pharmaceutical, chemical, food, etc. It has a good effect on treating diseases such as liver cirrhosis. It can also used for advanced cosmetic raw materials, with high economic value.
    5. It can be used as a biochemical reagent and also for the pharmaceutical and organic synthesis; It can lower the level cholesterol and have sedative effect.


    Inpo leuwih ti TRB

    Sunda sertifikasi egulation
    USFDA, Acép, halal halal GMP Sértipikat ISO
    Quality dipercaya
    Ampir 20 taun, ékspor 40 nagara jeung wewengkon, leuwih ti 2000 bets dihasilkeun TRB boga masalah naon kualitas, prosés purifikasi unik, impurity jeung kontrol purity papanggih USP, ep na CP
    System Quality komprehensif


    ▲ Quality System jaminan

    ▲ kontrol Dokumén

    ▲ Validasi System

    ▲ Pelatihan System

    ▲ internal Inok Protocol

    ▲ System Inok Suppler

    ▲ Equipment Fasilitas System

    ▲ Bahan System Control

    ▲ System Control Produksi

    ▲ bungkusan System panyiri

    ▲ Laboratorium System Control

    ▲ Verifikasi System Validasi

    ▲ Regulasi Urusan System

    Sumber jeung prosés sakabeh kontrol
    Mastikeun dikawasa sakabeh bahan baku, asesoris jeung bungkusan materials.Preferred bahan jeung asesoris jeung bahan kemasan atah supplier kalayan AS DMF number.Several suppliers bahan baku salaku jaminan suplai.
    Lembaga Koperasi kuat pikeun ngarojong
    Institute of botani / Institusi tina mikrobiologi / Akademi Élmu jeung téhnologi / Universitas

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