Ulgurji inositol ishlab chiqaruvchilar va etkazib beruvchilar | Tong Rui Bio-Tech


Qisqa Tasvir:

Inositol (hexahydroxycyclohexane) o'simlik va hayvon to'qimalarida bir keng tarqalgan tabiiy ta'sis hisoblanadi. Bu bepul yoki fosfolipidlar bir tarkibiy qismi sifatida sodir bo'ladi qaerda inozitol eng boy hayvonot to'qimalarning, miya, yurak, oshqozon, buyrak, taloq va jigar hisoblanadi. o'simliklar orasida, yormalar fitik kislotalar deb ataladi ayniqsa polifosforik kislota Ester shaklida inozitol boy manbalari, bor. oziq-ovqat qo'shimcha optik harakatsiz MDH 1,2,3,5-trans-4,6-cyclohexanehexol afzal mln.yil-inositol mo'ljallangan, maxsus murojaat qilib bir necha mumkin bo'lgan optik faol va sust izotobi inozitol omillar bor bo'lsa-da. Pure inositol barqaror, oq, shirin, kristal aralashma hisoblanadi. Oziq-ovqat kimyoviy Kodeksi u, 97.0 foiz kam bo'lmagan tahlillenmesi 224 va 227 ° o'rtasidagi erib, va ortiq 3 ppm margimush, 10 ppm qo'rg'oshin, 20 ppm og'ir metallar (Pb kabi), 60-daqiqada sahifa sulfat va 50 ppm emas o'z ichiga bildiradi xlorid. Inositol sintetik xun eksperimental hayvonlar inositol qo'shimchalarga tomonidan tuzatilgan edi klinik belgilari rivojlangan, chunki vitamin bo'lishi uchun bir muddat qaralar edi. Biroq, inozitol uchun hech qanday kofaktör yoki katalitik funksiyasi qildi; Bu sintez va hayvon to'qimalarida nisbatan yuqori kontsentratsiyasi uchraydi mumkin. Bu omillar bir vitamin sifatida uning tasnifi qarshi bahslasha. insonda bir parhez talab tashkil qilinmagan.

  • FOB narxi: US $0.5 - 2000 / KG
  • Min.order Soni: 1 kg
  • Ta'minlash imkoniyati: 10000 kg / oy boshi
  • Port: Shanxay / BEIJING
  • To'lov shartlari: L / C, D / A, D / P, T / T
  • :
  • Mahsulot batafsil

    Mahsulot teglar

    Inositol (hexahydroxycyclohexane) is a widely distributed natural constituent of plant and animal tissues. The animal tissues richest in inositol are brain, heart, stomach, kidney, spleen, and liver, where it occurs free or as a component of phospholipids. Among plants, cereals are rich sources of inositol, particularly in the form of polyphosphoric acid esters, called phytic acids. Although there are several possible optically active and inactive isomers, considerations of inositol as a food additive refer specifically to optically inactive cis-1,2,3,5-trans-4,6-cyclohexanehexol, which is preferably designated myo-inositol. Pure inositol is a stable, white, sweet, crystalline compound. The Food Chemicals Codex specifies that it assay not less than 97.0 percent, melt between 224 and 227°, and contain not more than 3 ppm arsenic, 10 ppm lead, 20 ppm heavy metals (as Pb), 60 ppm sulfate, and 50 ppm chloride. Inositol was thought for a time to be a vitamin because experimental animals on a synthetic diet developed clinical signs that were corrected by inositol supplementation. However, no cofactor or catalytic function for inositol has been found; it can be synthesized and occurs in relatively high concentration in animal tissues. These factors argue against its classification as a vitamin. A dietary requirement in man has not been established.

    Mahsulot nomi: Inositol

    Xususiyatlari: Min 97.0%

    Kimyoviy xususiyatlari: Oq kristall yoki kristal chang, hidsiz va shirin; Nisbiy zichligi: 1.752 (suvsiz), 1.524 (dihydrate), nuqta 319 ° C qaynoq, 225 ~ 227 ℃ (suvsiz), 218 ° C (dihydrate) erish nuqtasi. suvda erigan (25 ° C, 14g / 100 ml; 60 ° C, 28g / 100 ml), efir, aseton va xloroform oz, etanol, sirka kislota, etilen glikol va gliserol eriydi erimaydigan. havoda barqaror; , Issiqlik Barqaror kislota va ishqor, lekin gigroskopik hisoblanadi.

    CAS No: 87-89-8

    Tarkib tahlil: to'g'ri (4s uchun 105 ° C da oldindan quritilgan) 200 mg namunasi tortinglar va 250ml shisha idish ichiga joylashtiring. Bir sulfat kislota (TS-241) sinov eritmasi va 50 sirka angidrid o'rtasida aralashmasi 5 ml qo'shing va keyin watch shisha qamrab oladi. 20 daqiqa davomida bug 'hammomida isitish so'ng, bir muz hammom uni salqin, 100ml suv va qaynash 20 daqiqa qo'shing. Sovugandan keyin, suv kichik miqdorda yordamida huni ajratib 250 ml ichiga namunasi o'tkazish. Ketma-ket olti marta hal chiqarib uchun xloroformli 30, 25, 20, 15, 10 va 5 ml foydalanish (birinchi beherini chayqalish). Barcha xloroform ko'chirma ikkinchi 250m1 ajratish huni to'plandi. suv 10ml bilan aralash ekstrakti yuvib. bir voronka paxta orqali xloroform hal qo'ying va 150ml oldindan ko'tarib jo'nadilar Soxhlet kolbaga uni o'tkazish. ajratish hunisi va huni yuvish xloroformli 10ml foydalaning va ekstrakt kirib, shu jumladan. bug 'hammomida kurutulmaya uni bug'lanib, keyin 1sa quritish uchun 105 ° C da tandirda uni o'tkazish. bir kurutucu uni salqin va uni torting. 0.4167, inozitol ya'ni tegishli miqdorda (C6H12O6) tomonidan olti inositol atsetat multiply olingan miqdorini foydalaning.



    1. As food supplements, has a similar effect to vitamin B1. It can be used for infant foods and used in an amount of 210~250mg/kg; Used in drinking in an amount of 25~30mg/kg.
    2. Inositol is an indispensible vitamin for lipid metabolism in the body. It can promote the absorption of hypolipidemic medicines and vitamins. Moreover, it can promote the cell growth and fat metabolism in liver and other tissues. It can be used for the adjuvant treatment of fatty liver, high cholesterol. It is widely used in food and feed additives, and is often added to fish, shrimp and livestock feed. The amount is 350-500mg/kg.
    3. The product is one kind of the complex vitamin B, which can promote cell metabolism, improve the cell nutrient conditions, and can contribute to development, increase appetite, to recuperate. Moreover, it can prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver, and accelerate the process of removing excess fat in heart. It has a similar lipid-chemotactic action as choline, and therefore useful in the treatment of hepatic fatty excessive disease and cirrhosis of the liver disease. According to the “food fortifier use of health standards (1993)” (Issued by the Ministry of Health of China), it can be used for infant food and fortified beverages at an amount of 380-790mg/kg. It is a vitamin class medicines and lipid-lowering drug which promote the fat metabolism of liver and other tissues, and be useful for the adjuvant treatment of fatty liver and high cholesterol. It is widely used in additives of food and beverage.
    4. Inositol is widely used in pharmaceutical, chemical, food, etc. It has a good effect on treating diseases such as liver cirrhosis. It can also used for advanced cosmetic raw materials, with high economic value.
    5. It can be used as a biochemical reagent and also for the pharmaceutical and organic synthesis; It can lower the level cholesterol and have sedative effect.


    TRB Qo'shimcha ma'lumotlar

    R egulation sertifikatlash
    USFDA, mobil, qlari halol GMP, ISO Sertifikatlar
    ishonchli Sifat
    Qariyb 20 yil, eksport 40 mamlakatlar va hududlar, TRB tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan 2000 dan ortiq partiya hech qanday sifat muammolarni, noyob tozalash jarayonini, ifloslik va poklik nazorat Tanishish USP, EP va cp bor
    Keng qamrovli Sifat tizimi


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    Nazorat Barcha manbalar va jarayonlar
    Qat'iy barcha xomashyo, aksessuarlar nazorat va qadoqlash ta'minot kafolati sifatida AQSh DMF number.Several xomashyo yetkazib beruvchilar bilan xomashyo va aksessuarlari va o'rash materiallari etkazib beruvchi materials.Preferred.
    Kuchli kooperatsiya institutlarini qo'llab-quvvatlash
    Fanlar Mikrobiologiya / akademiyasi va Texnologiya / universiteti Botanika instituti / Vazirlig

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