Heildverslun Passion Flower Extract framleiðendum og birgjum | Tong Rui Bio-Tech

Passion Flower Útdráttur

Stutt lýsing:

Passion flower extract targets the central nervous system and works to ease tension and prevent twitching in the muscles. This calming effect does not affect brain function or respiratory rate, unlike what most pharmaceutical sedatives do. Natural passionflower extract is therefore much safer than medications with sedative effects.

Passiflora,known also as the passion flowers or passion vines,is a genus of about 500 species of flowering plants,the namesakes of the familyPassifloraceae.They are mostly vines,with some being shrubs,and a few species being herbaceous.For information about the fruit of the passiflora plant,see passionfruit.The monotypic genus Hollrungia seems to be inseparable from Passiflora,but further study is needed.
Approximately 2.5 percent appears to be flavonoids such as vitexin, orientin, homo-orientin, saponarin, schaftoside, and a few others as glucosides, together with free flavonoids including apigenin, luteolin, quercetin, and kaempferol.

  • FOB verð: US $0.5 - 2000 / KG
  • Min.Order Magn: 1 KG
  • Framboð Geta: 10000 KG / á mánuði
  • Greiðsluskilmálar: L / C, D / A, D / P, T / T
  • :
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    Vara Tags

    Passion flower extract targets the central nervous system and works to ease tension and prevent twitching in the muscles. This calming effect does not affect brain function or respiratory rate, unlike what most pharmaceutical sedatives do. Natural passionflower extract is therefore much safer than medications with sedative effectsPassiflora,known also as the passion flowers or passion vines,is a genus of about 500 species of flowering plants,the namesakes of the familyPassifloraceae.They are mostly vines,with some being shrubs,and a few species being herbaceous.For information about the fruit of the passiflora plant,see passionfruit.The monotypic genus Hollrungia seems to be inseparable from Passiflora,but further study is needed.

    Approximately 2.5 percent appears to be flavonoids such as vitexin, orientin, homo-orientin, saponarin, schaftoside, and a few others as glucosides, together with free flavonoids including apigenin, luteolin, quercetin, and kaempferol.

    Vöruheiti: Passion Flower Útdráttur

    Latin Nafn: Passiflora Incarnata L.

    CAS nr: Aerial Hluti

    Plant Part Notað: Fruit

    Greining: flavonóíðar ≧ 4,0% miðað við UV

    Litur: Gulbrúnn duft með einkennandi lykt og bragð 

    GMO Staða: GMO Free

    Pökkun: í 25kgs trefjum trommur

    Geymsla: Geymist óopnuð í köldum, þurrum stað, halda í burtu frá sterku ljósi

    Geymsluþol: 24 mánuðir frá dagsetningu framleiðslu



    -Anti-oxun, andstæðingur-öldrun, whiten húð.
    -Anti-veira, andstæðingur-gerla, andstæðingur-sveppi, og andstæðingur-frumdýr, etc
    -Enhance ónæmi, bæta sjálfvirkt farartæki-ónæmissjúkdóm.
    -Lítið blóðþrýstingur og kólesteról.
    -Auka blóðflæði í kransæðum, létta hjartsláttartruflanir, koma í veg fyrir æðakölkun.



    -Pharmaceutical sem hylki eða pillur;

    -Functional mat eins og hylki eða pillur;

    -Water óleysanleg drykki;

    -Health vörur sem hylki eða pilla.


    Technical Data Sheet

    Atriði forskrift aðferð niðurstaðan
    Identification Jákvæð Reaction N / A Uppfyllir
    þykkni Leysiefni Vatn / Etanól N / A Uppfyllir
    kornastærð 100% framhjá 80 möskva USP / Ph.Eur Uppfyllir
    búlkamassi 0,45 ~ 0,65 g / ml USP / Ph.Eur Uppfyllir
    Efnistap við þurrkun ≤5.0% USP / Ph.Eur Uppfyllir
    Súlfataska ≤5.0% USP / Ph.Eur Uppfyllir
    Lead (Pb) ≤1.0mg / kg USP / Ph.Eur Uppfyllir
    Arsen (As) ≤1.0mg / kg USP / Ph.Eur Uppfyllir
    Cadmium (Cd) ≤1.0mg / kg USP / Ph.Eur Uppfyllir
    leysar Leifa USP / Ph.Eur USP / Ph.Eur Uppfyllir
    varnarefnaleifar neikvætt USP / Ph.Eur Uppfyllir
    örverufræðileg Control
    otal fjöldi baktería ≤1000cfu / g USP / Ph.Eur Uppfyllir
    Ger & mold ≤100cfu / g USP / Ph.Eur Uppfyllir
    Salmonella neikvætt USP / Ph.Eur Uppfyllir
    E.coli neikvætt USP / Ph.Eur Uppfyllir


    Nánari upplýsingar um TRB

    R egulation vottun
    USFDA, CEP, Kosher halal-GMP-ISO Vottorð
    áreiðanleg gæði
    Tæplega 20 árum, útflutningur 40 löndum og svæðum, fleiri en 2000 lotur framleitt af TRB hafa engin nein gæði vandamál, einstök hreinsun aðferð, óhreinindi og hreinleika eftirlit hitta USP, EP og CP
    Alhliða Quality System


    ▲ Quality Assurance System

    ▲ Document Control

    ▲ Staðfesting Kerfi

    ▲ Training System

    ▲ Innri endurskoðun Protocol

    ▲ Suppler Audit System

    ▲ Equipment Aðstaða System

    ▲ Efni Control System

    ▲ Production Control System

    ▲ Packaging merkingarkerfi

    ▲ Laboratory Control System

    ▲ Staðfesting Staðfesting Kerfi

    ▲ Regulatory Affairs System

    Control Whole Heimildir og verkferlar
    Stranglega stjórnað öllum hráefni fylgihluti og pökkun materials.Preferred hráefni og fylgihluti og umbúðaefni birgir með US DMF number.Several hráefni birgja sem framboð fullvissu.
    Sterk Cooperative Stofnanir styðja
    Institute of Botany / Stofnun örverufræði / Academy of Science and Technology / University

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