Ulgurji Passion Flower Extract ishlab chiqaruvchilar va etkazib beruvchilar | Tong Rui Bio-Tech

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Qisqa Tasvir:

Passion flower extract targets the central nervous system and works to ease tension and prevent twitching in the muscles. This calming effect does not affect brain function or respiratory rate, unlike what most pharmaceutical sedatives do. Natural passionflower extract is therefore much safer than medications with sedative effects.

Passiflora,known also as the passion flowers or passion vines,is a genus of about 500 species of flowering plants,the namesakes of the familyPassifloraceae.They are mostly vines,with some being shrubs,and a few species being herbaceous.For information about the fruit of the passiflora plant,see passionfruit.The monotypic genus Hollrungia seems to be inseparable from Passiflora,but further study is needed.
Approximately 2.5 percent appears to be flavonoids such as vitexin, orientin, homo-orientin, saponarin, schaftoside, and a few others as glucosides, together with free flavonoids including apigenin, luteolin, quercetin, and kaempferol.

  • FOB narxi: US $0.5 - 2000 / KG
  • Min.order Soni: 1 kg
  • Ta'minlash imkoniyati: 10000 kg / oy boshi
  • Port: Shanxay / BEIJING
  • To'lov shartlari: L / C, D / A, D / P, T / T
  • :
  • Mahsulot batafsil

    Mahsulot teglar

    Passion flower extract targets the central nervous system and works to ease tension and prevent twitching in the muscles. This calming effect does not affect brain function or respiratory rate, unlike what most pharmaceutical sedatives do. Natural passionflower extract is therefore much safer than medications with sedative effectsPassiflora,known also as the passion flowers or passion vines,is a genus of about 500 species of flowering plants,the namesakes of the familyPassifloraceae.They are mostly vines,with some being shrubs,and a few species being herbaceous.For information about the fruit of the passiflora plant,see passionfruit.The monotypic genus Hollrungia seems to be inseparable from Passiflora,but further study is needed.

    Approximately 2.5 percent appears to be flavonoids such as vitexin, orientin, homo-orientin, saponarin, schaftoside, and a few others as glucosides, together with free flavonoids including apigenin, luteolin, quercetin, and kaempferol.

    Mahsulot nomi: Passion Flower Extract

    Lotin nomi: Passiflora Incarnata L.

    CAS No: Havo qism

    O'simlik qism Ishlatilgan: meva

    Tajriba: Flavones ≧ UV tomonidan 4,0%

    Rangi: xarakterli hid va ta'mi bilan Sarımtırak jigarrang kukun 

    GMO Status: GMO Free

    Paket: 25kgs Gost So'nggi fıçılar ichida

    Saqlash: salqin, quruq joyda ochilmagan holda saqlansin kuchli yorug'lik yuz saqlang

    Raf umri: ishlab chiqarish boshlab 24 oy



    -Anti-Oksidlanish, anti-qarish, oqlamoq teri.
    -Anti-virus, anti-bakteriyalar, anti-zamburug'lar va anti-protozoa, boshqalar
    -Enhance immunitet, avto-immun kasallikka yaxshilash.
    -Lower qon bosimi va xolesterin.
    Koronar arteriyalarda -Increase qon oqimi, tomir oldini olish, aritmiyalar ozod etadi.



    kapsula yoki hap -Pharmaceutical;

    kapsula yoki hap -Functional oziq-ovqat;

    -Water eruvchi ichimliklar;

    kapsula yoki hap -Health mahsulotlar.


    Technical Data Qoraqalpog'iston

    buyum spetsifikatsiyasi usul natija
    aniqlash ijobiy Reaksiyani N / A javob
    Extract Solventler Suv / O'rganish N / A javob
    zarracha hajmi 100% 80 mash o'tib USP / Ph.Eur javob
    Quyma zichligi 0.45 ~ 0.65 g / ml USP / Ph.Eur javob
    quritish zarar ≤5.0% USP / Ph.Eur javob
    sülfatlı Ash ≤5.0% USP / Ph.Eur javob
    Qo'rg'oshin (Pb) ≤1.0mg / kg USP / Ph.Eur javob
    Margimush (as) ≤1.0mg / kg USP / Ph.Eur javob
    Kadmiy (CD) ≤1.0mg / kg USP / Ph.Eur javob
    Solventler qoldiq USP / Ph.Eur USP / Ph.Eur javob
    pestitsidlar qoldiq salbiy USP / Ph.Eur javob
    mikrobiologik Control
    Jami bakterial soni ≤1000cfu / g USP / Ph.Eur javob
    Achitqi & mog'or ≤100cfu / g USP / Ph.Eur javob
    Salmonella salbiy USP / Ph.Eur javob
    E.coli salbiy USP / Ph.Eur javob


    TRB Qo'shimcha ma'lumotlar

    R egulation sertifikatlash
    USFDA, mobil, qlari halol GMP, ISO Sertifikatlar
    ishonchli Sifat
    Qariyb 20 yil, eksport 40 mamlakatlar va hududlar, TRB tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan 2000 dan ortiq partiya hech qanday sifat muammolarni, noyob tozalash jarayonini, ifloslik va poklik nazorat Tanishish USP, EP va cp bor
    Keng qamrovli Sifat tizimi


    ▲ Sifat nazorati tizimi

    ▲ Hujjat nazorat

    ▲ tekshirish tizimi

    ▲ Training tizimi

    ▲ Ichki Audit bayonnomasi

    ▲ suppler Audit tizimi

    ▲ uskunalar, muassasalar tizimi

    ▲ Moddiy nazorat tizimi

    ▲ ishlab chiqarish nazorati tizimi

    ▲ qadoqlash Etiketleme tizimi

    ▲ Laboratoriya nazorat tizimi

    ▲ tekshirish tekshirish tizimi

    ▲ Normativ aloqalar tizimi

    Nazorat Barcha manbalar va jarayonlar
    Qat'iy barcha xomashyo, aksessuarlar nazorat va qadoqlash ta'minot kafolati sifatida AQSh DMF number.Several xomashyo yetkazib beruvchilar bilan xomashyo va aksessuarlari va o'rash materiallari etkazib beruvchi materials.Preferred.
    Kuchli kooperatsiya institutlarini qo'llab-quvvatlash
    Fanlar Mikrobiologiya / akademiyasi va Texnologiya / universiteti Botanika instituti / Vazirlig

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