Borongan pabrik nimba Chasteberry na suppliers | Tong Rui Bio-Tech

ekstrak Chasteberry

Pondok Description:

Vitex is a genus of flowering plants in the family Lamiaceae Martynov, nom. cons. It has about 250 species. Its type species is Vitex agnus-castus. There is no universal English name, though ”chastetree” (commonly referring to V. agnus-castus specifically) is common for many species. Generally, they are simply called vitex however.Species of Vitex are native throughout the tropics and subtropics, with a few species in temperate Eurasia. Vitex is a genus of shrubs and trees, from 1 to 35m tall. Some species have whitish bark that is characteristically furrowed. Leaves are alternate, usually compound.About 18 species are known in cultivation. Vitex agnus-castus and Vitex negundo are often grown in temperate climates.About six others are frequently grown in the tropics. Most of the cultivated species serve as ornamentals. Some provide valuable lumber. The flexible limbs of some species are used in basket weaving. Some of the aromatic species are used medicinally or to repel mosquitos.

  • FOB Harga: US $0.5 - 2000 / KG
  • Min.Order kuantitas: 1 KG
  • Suplai Kamampuhan: 10000 KG / per Bulan
  • Pelabuhan: Shanghai / Beijing
  • Sarat pembayaran: L / C, D / A, D / P, T / T
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    Tags produk

    Vitex mangrupakeun genus di kembangan tutuwuhan dina kulawarga Lamiaceae Martynov, nom. kontra. Cai mibanda ngeunaan 250 spésiés. jenis spesies nyaeta Vitex agnus-castus. Aya ngaran Inggris universal, sanajan "chastetree" (umumna ngarujuk kana V. agnus-castus husus) geus ilahar pikeun rupa spésiés. Umumna, aranjeunna ngan saukur disebut vitex kumaha ogé.

    Spésiés Vitex téh pituin sakuliah wewengkon tropik jeung subtropics, kalawan sababaraha spésiés dina sedeng Eurasia. Vitex mangrupakeun genus of shrubs na tangkal, ti 1 nepi ka 35m jangkung. Sababaraha spésiés gaduh babakan semu bodas, kawas nu geus characteristically furrowed. Daun anu séjén, biasana sanyawa.

    Ngeunaan 18 spésiés anu dipikawanoh di budidaya. Vitex agnus-castus na Vitex negundo anu mindeng dipelak di climates.About sedeng genep batur anu remen dipelak di wewengkon tropis. Kalolobaan spésiés dibudidaya ngawula salaku ornamentals. Sababaraha nyadiakeun kayu berharga. The anggota awak fléksibel tina sababaraha spésiés nu dipaké dina karinjang anyaman. Sababaraha spésiés aromatik anu dipaké medicinally atawa ngusir Reungit.


    Ngaran produk: ekstrak Chasteberry

    Ngaran Latin: Vitex Agnus-castus

    CAS No .: 479-91-4

    Tutuwuhan Bagian Dipaké: Buah

    Assay: Flavone ≧ 5.0% ku UV ≧ 5% Vitexin 

    Warna: Brown rupa bubuk jeung bau ciri na rasa

    Status GMO: GMO Free

    Packing: di 25kgs drum serat

    Neundeun: Simpen wadahna unopened di tiis, tempat garing, Simpen jauh ti lampu kuat


    Rak Kahirupan: 24 bulan ti tanggal produksi



    -With fungsi evacuating panas, relieving perasaan uncomfortable sirah na panon;

    -With fungsi nyampurkeun dyspepsia, enteritis, diare, bareuh sarta nyeri disababkeun ku ragrag na nganiaya;   

    -With fungsi nyampurkeun ménopause bikang, kareseban teratur, tumor uterus jeung émosi ngadalikeun;

    -With fungsi analgesic, anti baktéri jeung anti viral.



    -As bahan baku tina analgesic jeung ubar pikeun anti baktéri jeung anti viral, eta utamana dipaké dina widang farmasi;

    -As bahan aktif produk pikeun ménopause bikang sarta haid henteu teratur, eta utamana dipaké di industri produk kaséhatan.


    Citakan: Infobox DATA lambar

    barang spésifikasi metode hasil
    pangenalan Réaksi positif N / A luyu
    pangleyur sari Cai / Étanol N / A luyu
    ukuran partikel 100% lulus 80 bolong USP / Ph.Eur luyu
    kapadetan bulk 0,45 ~ 0,65 g / ml USP / Ph.Eur luyu
    Leungitna on drying ≤5.0% USP / Ph.Eur luyu
    Sulphated Ash ≤5.0% USP / Ph.Eur luyu
    Ngakibatkeun (PB) ≤1.0mg / kg USP / Ph.Eur luyu
    Arsén (Salaku) ≤1.0mg / kg USP / Ph.Eur luyu
    Cadmium (CD) ≤1.0mg / kg USP / Ph.Eur luyu
    pangleyur résidu USP / Ph.Eur USP / Ph.Eur luyu
    péstisida résidu negatip USP / Ph.Eur luyu
    Microbiological Control
    count baktéri otal ≤1000cfu / g USP / Ph.Eur luyu
    Ragi & kapang ≤100cfu / g USP / Ph.Eur luyu
    Salmonella negatip USP / Ph.Eur luyu
    E.Coli negatip USP / Ph.Eur luyu

    Inpo leuwih ti TRB

    Sunda sertifikasi egulation
    USFDA, Acép, halal halal GMP Sértipikat ISO
    Quality dipercaya
    Ampir 20 taun, ékspor 40 nagara jeung wewengkon, leuwih ti 2000 bets dihasilkeun TRB boga masalah naon kualitas, prosés purifikasi unik, impurity jeung kontrol purity papanggih USP, ep na CP
    System Quality komprehensif


    ▲ Quality System jaminan

    ▲ kontrol Dokumén

    ▲ Validasi System

    ▲ Pelatihan System

    ▲ internal Inok Protocol

    ▲ System Inok Suppler

    ▲ Equipment Fasilitas System

    ▲ Bahan System Control

    ▲ System Control Produksi

    ▲ bungkusan System panyiri

    ▲ Laboratorium System Control

    ▲ Verifikasi System Validasi

    ▲ Regulasi Urusan System

    Sumber jeung prosés sakabeh kontrol
    Mastikeun dikawasa sakabeh bahan baku, asesoris jeung bungkusan materials.Preferred bahan jeung asesoris jeung bahan kemasan atah supplier kalayan AS DMF number.Several suppliers bahan baku salaku jaminan suplai.
    Lembaga Koperasi kuat pikeun ngarojong
    Institute of botani / Institusi tina mikrobiologi / Akademi Élmu jeung téhnologi / Universitas

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