Borongan Laut Buckthorn Buah pabrik Sari buah Bubuk na suppliers | Tong Rui Bio-Tech

Laut Buckthorn Buah Sari buah Bubuk

Pondok Description:

Sea buckthorn in the genus hippophae, family Elaeagnaceae, is mainly distributed in north,
northwest and northeast of China.

Sea buckthorn is tested by nutritionists sea buckthorn contains rich protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins, mineral substances, among which, the content of VC, VE and VA is nearly the most among all fruits and vegetables, especially the content of VC, the content
of VC is 3-4 times of kiwifruit, 10-15 times of orange, 20 times of hawthorn, 200 times of
grape. In addition, seabuckthorn also contains some vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, K, D, folic
acid, niacinamide, and 24 trace elements etc (phosphor, ferrum, magnesium, manganese,
kalium, calcium silicate, copper etc). So sea buckthorn is called vitamin’s treasury.Often
eating sea buckthorn can help to relieve muscles, promote blood circulation, build strong
body, prolong life, promote digestion, reduce blood cholesterol, relieve angina, arrest
coughing, prevent acute or chronic trachitis, sea buckthorn also can resist radiation and
prevent cancer etc.

  • FOB Harga: US $0.5 - 2000 / KG
  • Min.Order kuantitas: 1 KG
  • Suplai Kamampuhan: 10000 KG / per Bulan
  • Pelabuhan: Shanghai / Beijing
  • Sarat pembayaran: L / C, D / A, D / P, T / T
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    Tags produk

    Buckthorn laut di hippophae genus, kulawarga Elaeagnaceae, utamana disebarkeun di kalér,
    kaler jeung kalér Cina.

    Laut buckthorn ieu dites ku buckthorn laut gizi ngandung protéin euyeub, gajih, karbohidrat, vitamin, zat mineral, diantara nu, eusi VC, ve na VA anu ampir paling diantara sakabeh bungbuahan sarta sayuran, hususna eusi VC, eusi nu
    tina VC nyaéta 3-4 kali tina kiwifruit, 10-15 kali tina jeruk, 20 kali tina Hawthorn, 200 kali tina
    anggur. Sajaba ti éta, seabuckthorn ogé ngandung sababaraha vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, K, D, folat
    elemen asam, niacinamide, sarta 24 renik jsb (phosphor, ferrum, magnésium, mangan,
    kalium, kalsium silikat, tambaga jsb). Treasury.Often jadi buckthorn laut disebut vitamin urang
    dahar buckthorn laut bisa ngabantu nulungan otot, ngamajukeun sirkulasi getih, ngawangun kuat
    awak, manjangkeun umur, ngamajukeun nyerna, ngurangan kolesterol getih, ngagentos panghina, ditewak
    batuk, nyegah trachitis akut atanapi kronis, buckthorn laut ogé bisa nolak radiasi jeung
    nyegah kanker jrrd


    Ngaran produk: Laut Buckthorn Buah Sari buah Bubuk

    Ngaran Latin: Hippophae rhamnoides Linn.

    Penampilan: Brown Konéng Bubuk
    Ukuran partikel: 100% pass 80 bolong
    Bahan Active: Flavones, ekstrak jatah 10: 1 20: 1

    Status GMO: GMO Free

    Packing: di 25kgs drum serat

    Neundeun: Simpen wadahna unopened di tiis, tempat garing, Simpen jauh ti lampu kuat

    Rak Kahirupan: 24 bulan ti tanggal produksi



    - Kalayan fungsi imun ditingkatkeun, bisa ningkatkeun sistem cardiovascular tur anti tumor.
    -Sea buckthorn minyak sarta sari buah bisa nolak tiredness, ngurangan gajih getih, nolak radiasi
    na horéng, ngajaga ati, ningkatkeun kekebalan jeung saterusna.
    -It boga fungsi tina relieving batuk, ngaleungitkeun sputum, relieving dyspepsia
    , promosi sirkulasi getih ku nyoplokkeun stasis getih.
    -It bisa dipaké pikeun batuk jeung copious sputum semu bodas, kawas viscid, salah ancur na beuteung
    nyeri, amenorrhoea na ecchymosis, tatu alatan ragrag.
    -It bisa dipaké pikeun ngaronjatkeun microcirculation otot cardiac, ngurangan cardiac
    kapasitas konsumsi oksigén otot sarta diminishing peradangan jeung saterusna.



    Aplikasi: Kaséhatan dahareun jeung inuman


    Inpo leuwih ti TRB

    Sunda sertifikasi egulation
    USFDA, Acép, halal halal GMP Sértipikat ISO
    Quality dipercaya
    Ampir 20 taun, ékspor 40 nagara jeung wewengkon, leuwih ti 2000 bets dihasilkeun TRB boga masalah naon kualitas, prosés purifikasi unik, impurity jeung kontrol purity papanggih USP, ep na CP
    System Quality komprehensif


    ▲ Quality System jaminan

    ▲ kontrol Dokumén

    ▲ Validasi System

    ▲ Pelatihan System

    ▲ internal Inok Protocol

    ▲ System Inok Suppler

    ▲ Equipment Fasilitas System

    ▲ Bahan System Control

    ▲ System Control Produksi

    ▲ bungkusan System panyiri

    ▲ Laboratorium System Control

    ▲ Verifikasi System Validasi

    ▲ Regulasi Urusan System

    Sumber jeung prosés sakabeh kontrol
    Strictly controlled all raw material,accessories and packaging materials.Preferred raw materials and accessories and packaging materials supplier with U.S. DMF number.

    Sababaraha bahan baku suppliers salaku jaminan suplai.

    Lembaga Koperasi kuat pikeun ngarojong
    Institute of botani / Institusi tina mikrobiologi / Akademi Élmu jeung téhnologi / Universitas

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