Yogulitsa Phytosterols 95% opanga ndi ogulitsa | Tong Rui Bio-Chatekinoloje

Phytosterols 95%

Kufotokozera Mwachidule:

W chipewa Kodi Phytosterols?

Phytosterols, kapena mbewu sterols, ndi banja la tinthu zokhudzana ndi mafuta. Zikupezeka nembanemba selo zomera, kumene kumathandiza kwambiri, monga mafuta anthu.
The phytosterols ofala kwambiri mu zakudya anthu campesterol, sitosterol ndi stigmasterol. Palinso mamolekyulu otchedwa mbewu stanols, amene ali ofanana. CAS No.:83-46-5
Phytosterol 95%: Phytosterols kapena mbewu sterols ndi m'nyanjazi achilengedwe a zamadzimadzi nusu ya oilseeds, zipatso, mbewu ndi ena akupanga achilengedwe. Iwo zambiri olekanitsidwa kachigawo unsaponifiable.

  • Mtengo wa FOB: US $0.5 - 2000 / KG
  • Min.Order Kuchuluka: 1 KG
  • Wonjezerani Luso: 10000 KG / pamwezi
  • Doko: Shanghai / Beijing
  • Terms malipiro: L / C, D / A, D / P, T / T
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  • mankhwala Mwatsatanetsatane

    Tags mankhwala

    Phytosterols are esters that are similar to cholesterol and found in plants. Consumption of phytosterols results in competition at the place of absorption in fat tissues between cholesterol and phytosterols. Thus having a high concentration of dietary phytosterols can efficiently reduce cholesterol blood levels. In addition to promoting heart health, some phytosterols have strong anticancer activity such as β-sitosterol (Kim et al., 2012). De novo synthesis of β-sitosterol has not yet been achieved, and thus it is commonly harvested from terrestrial grasses (e.g., saw grass). Many phytoplankton produce β-sitosterol, but most strains also contain a range of other phytosterols. Interestingly, some diatoms and raphidophytes produce extremely high cellular levels of β-sitosterol (Table 4.2), but do not accumulate other phytosterols such as campesterol, cholesterol, and stigmasterol. Thus, focus on these organisms may be a novel production source of this important phytosterol.Phytosterol is natural component of many vegetables and grains. It is rich in Beta-Sitosterol, Campesterol and Stigmasterol along with small amount of other sterols. Phytosterols is intended for use in dietary supplements and food applications.

    Phytosterol  ndi mtundu steroid pawiri ndi hydroxyl mu mbewu thupi. Iwo makamaka wapangidwa β - sitosterol, stigmasterol ndi rapeseed sterol.

    Phytosterols ufa angagwiritsidwe ntchito zinthu asidi mkulu uric monga gout ndi mitundu ina ya nyamakazi. Amathandiza kuchepetsa mavuto a kutupa chopweteka. Izo ntchito zosiyanasiyana madandaulo genito-mkodzo, koma nthawi zambiri pamodzi ndi zitsamba kuti ali ndi makhalidwe ambiri antiseptic, pamene chimanga manyazi amathandiza anatontholetsa minofu sakumvetsa. Ngakhale kuti diuretic, phytosterols ufa Komanso tingapindule pafupipafupi pokodza ndi otonthoza chikhodzodzo mkwiyo. kafukufuku Chinese limasonyeza kuti chimanga manyazi amachepetsa.


    Dzina mankhwala: Phytosterols  95%

    Botanical Source: soya Tingafinye

    NAME OTHER: Sterol

    Part: Soya nyemba (Zouma 100% Natural)

    M'zigawo Njira: Madzi / mapira Mowa
    Fomu: White kuti kuchokera woyera chabwino ufa
    mfundo: 95%
    Mayeso Njira: HPLC
    CAS Number68441-03-2Molecular ofunda: C29H50O

    GMO Momwe: GMO Free

    Wazolongedza: mu 25kgs CHIKWANGWANI ng'oma

    Yosungirako: Khalani chidebe osatsegulidwa ozizira, youma, Khalani kutali ndi kuwala amphamvu

    Alumali Moyo: miyezi 24 kuchokera tsiku kupanga



    1. Phytosterols akhoza kuchepetsa kufala kwa matenda a mtima ndi kutsitsa mafuta. Makamaka mu Europe, phytosterols ankagwiritsa ntchito monga chakudya zina kuchepetsa mafuta m'thupi la munthu.

    2. Phytosterol ntchito ndiponso kuchiza inatsekeratu atherosclerotic matenda a mtima ndipo ali zoonekeratu umathandizanso zotsatira pa chilonda, khungu squamous carcinoma selo ndi khansa khomo lachiberekero.

    3. Phytosterols komanso ndi zipangizo zofunika yaiwisi kupanga mankhwala ndi vitamini D3.

    4. Phytosterols bwino antioxidant katundu, amene angagwiritsidwe ntchito monga zina chakudya (antioxidants, zakudya zina); iwo akhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito ngati zipangizo za wothandizila kukula nyama kulimbikitsa kukula nyama ndi thanzi nyama.

    5. Phytosterols yolimba odana ndi yotupa tingati pa thupi la munthu, omwe akhoza ziletsa mayamwidwe mafuta m'thupi, kulimbikitsa makhalidwe oipa ndipo thupi la mafuta m'thupi, ndipo ziletsa kaphatikizidwe amuzolengedwa wa mafuta m'thupi.

    6. Phytosterols ndi permeability mkulu khungu, angasunge madzi pamwamba pa khungu, kulimbikitsa khungu kagayidwe, kutupa ziletsa khungu, kuletsa dzuwa, khungu ukalamba, ndipo amatha ikuyambitsa ndi chakudya tsitsi. Thiabendazole angagwiritsidwe ntchito ngati yakumadzulo / O emulsifier kupanga kirimu. Iwo ali ndi makhalidwe a nzeru a ntchito (wabwino wothandiza chitukuko, kusalaza ndipo sanali yomata), durability zabwino ndi zovuta kuwonongeka.


    1. Chakudya Chofunika / enaake:
      chachikulu akutulukira ntchito zogwirizana ndi Mipukutu ya ku hypo-cholesterolemiant zotsatira za phytosterols. Ndi ntchito antimicrobial chilengedwe chapadera ndi bata, kotero ntchito ngati angathe preservative.2 chakudya. Zodzoladzola:
      A presence of phytosterols in cosmetic compositions for more than 20 years. A more recent trend for the development of phytosterols as specific cosmetic actives. Such as Emollient, Skin Feel, Emulsifier.3. Pharmaceutical Raw Material :
      Thiabendazole angagwiritsidwe anaipanga kukonzekera kusewera diuretic ndi antihypertensive ntchito.

    Zambiri za TRB

    lamulo chitsimikizo
    USFDA, CEP, Kosher HALAL GMP ISO Zikalata
    odalirika Quality
    Pafupifupi zaka 20, katundu m'mayiko 40 ndipo m'madera oposa 2000 magulu umatulutsa TRB alibe vuto lililonse quality, wapadera ndondomeko kuyeretsedwa uchimo ndi ulamuliro chiyero kudzakhalire USP, EP ndi CP
    Mabuku Quality System


    ▲ Quality Chitsimikizo System

    ▲ choyenera ulamuliro

    ▲ kutsimikiza System

    ▲ Training System

    ▲ Internal Protocol kafukufuku

    ▲ Suppler kafukufuku System

    ▲ Zida Facilities System

    ▲ Zofunika Control System

    ▲ Yopanga Control System

    ▲ Kenaka olemba System

    ▲ Laboratory Control System

    ▲ Yotsimikiza kutsimikiza System

    ▲ zolimbana Affairs System

    Control Lonse Sources MASANKO
    Mosamalitsa ankalamulira zonse zopangira, Chalk ndi ma CD materials.Preferred zipangizo ndi Chalk ndi zipangizo ma CD yaiwisi katundu ndi US DMF chiwerengero.

    sapulaya zingapo zopangira monga kotunga chitsimikizo.Amphamvu Mabungwe Cooperative kuthandizaInstitute of zomera / Institution ya tizilombo tosaoneka ndi maso / Academy of Science and Technology / University


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