Wholesale GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) manufacturers and suppliers | Tong Rui Bio-Tech

GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid)

Кратко описание:

GABA(γ-Aminobutyric acid) is a kind of natural amino acid, which is the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system. GABA plays a role in regulating neuronal excitability throughout the nervous system. In humans, GABA is also directly responsible for the regulation of muscle tone. When the level of GABA in the brain decreases below a certain level seizures and other neurological disorders may occur. GABA can act as a natural calming and anti-epileptic agent in the brain, also increases levels of HGH, which is desirable to most adults since this hormone allows children and teenagers to grow and gain weight increase muscle mass without putting on extra pounds.Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the most common inhibitory neurotransmitter in your central nervous system. GABA lessens the ability of a nerve cell to receive, create or send chemical messages to other nerve cells.

  • FOB Цена: US $0.5 - 2000 / KG
  • Min.Order Количество: 1 KG
  • Доставка Възможност: 10000 кг / на месец
  • Порт: Шанхай / ПЕКИН
  • Условия на плащане: L / C, D / A, D / P, T / T
  • :
  • Подробности за продукта

    Ключови думи

    Product Name: GABA
    CAS No.56-12-2

    Химично наименование: 4-аминомаслена киселина
    Молекулна формула: C4H9NO2
    Молекулно тегло: 103.12,
    Спецификация: 20%, 98%
    Външен вид: бяло кристално или кристален прах
    клас: Фармацевтични и храна
    EINECS No .: 200-258-6


    GABA (γ-аминомаслена киселина) е вид на природна аминокиселина, която е главен инхибиторен невротрансмитер в централната нервна система на бозайник. GABA играе роля в регулирането на невроналната възбудимост в нервната система. При хората, GABA също е пряко отговорен за регулирането на мускулния тонус. Когато нивото на ГАМК в мозъка намалява по-долу може да настъпи някои припадъци ниво и други неврологични заболявания. GABA може да действа като естествен успокояващ и антиепилептично средство в мозъка, също увеличава нивата на HGH, които е желателно да се повечето възрастни, тъй като този хормон позволява на децата и юношите да растат и увеличаване теглото на мускулна маса, без да на допълнителни паунда.


    Това γ-аминомаслена киселина (GABA) се трансформира от натриев L-глутаминова киселина като суровина чрез ферментация на Lactobacillus (Lactobacillus hilgardii), със следните етапи на обработка, такива като пастьоризация, охлаждане, активен въглен филтруване, спрей стъпки сушене, обезсоляване с йон -exchange вакуумно изпаряване, кристализация. Този кристал на γ-аминомаслена киселина е бял или светложълт прах или гранули. Този продукт се извършва в съответствие с техниките, обработването на новите храни материал. Може да се използва в напитки, какаови продукти, шоколад и шоколадови изделия, бонбони, сладкиши, закуски, но не и в бебешки храни. Тя може да се добавя в здравословни храни или функционални храни, което също е един вид незаменима висококачествена суровина за прозрачен функционална напитка


    * A-натриев L-глутаминова киселина * B-Lactobacillus hilgardii

    A + B (fenmentation) прегряване стерилизация охлаждане-активен въглен обработка-filting- ексципиенти сушене -finished -packing продукт

    Спецификация на Габа

    Външен вид на бели кристали или Кристален прах Органолептична
    Идентификация Химическа USP
    рН 6.5 ~ 7.5 USP
    Загуба при сушене ≤0.5% USP
    Анализ 20-99% Титруване
    Точка на топене 197 ~ 204 ℃ ℃ USP
    Остатък при запалване ≤0.07% USP
    Яснота на разтвор Ясно USP
    тежки метали ≤10ppm USP
    арсен ≤1ppm USP
    хлорид ≤40ppm USP
    сулфат ≤50ppm USP
    Са2 + Не опалесценция USP
    олово ≤3ppm USP
    Mercury ≤0.1ppm USP
    Кадмий ≤1ppm USP
    Общо плоча брой ≤1000Cfu / г USP
    дрожди и плесен ≤100Cfu / г USP
    Е. Coli Отрицателна USP
    салмонела Negative USP



    -GABA е добре за животните, безпокойство и спане.
    -GABA може да ускори отделянето на растеж

    хормон и животни растеж.
    -Enhancing тялото способност анти-стрес на животните

    е важна роля на GABA.
    -GABA е подходящ за метаболизъм дисфункция на мозъка,

    облекчаване на хипертония, както и помощ за стабилизиране на емоция.


    -GABA е бил много популярен сред хранително-вкусовата промишленост. Тя се прилага за всички видове чай напитки, млечни продукти, замразени храни, вино, ферментирало храни, хляб, супа и други здрави и медицинска обработка на храни в Япония и някои европейски страни.
    -Besides, GABA е ПНП бъдат прилагани във фармацевтичната област за подобряване на мозъка метаболизъм дисфункция, облекчаване хипертония и помощ за стабилизиране на емоция

    Възползвайте се от Гава

    Предимства и хранителна стойност на покълналите кафяв ориз: кафяв ориз съдържа витамини В1, В2, витамин Е, цинк, мед желязо, калций, калий,

    фибри, протеини и въглехидрати. Той също така съдържа Анти-Oxidant.Promotes спокоен ум, подобрява настроението и чувство за красота,

    Подобрява психично Focus

    1. Витамини В1 предотвратяване изтръпване и помощ предпазва нервната система.
    2. Витамини метаболизма B2 увеличение тялото.
    3. Витамин Е е антиоксидант. Забавя стареенето на кожата. Помощ тъкани ремонт тялото. Увеличаване на метаболизма на организма.
    4. Ниацин подпомогната функция на нервната система и кожата.
    5. желязо, магнезий, фосфор, калций помага за укрепване на костите и зъбите, за предотвратяване на анемия. Предотвратяване на крампи.
    6. влакна позволява лесен изстрел. Предотвратяване на рак на дебелото черво, намаляване на холестерола и предотвратяване на натрупването на мазнини в кръвта.
    7. Въглехидратите осигуряват енергия за организма.
    8. Протеинови ремонти мускули

    What is GABA?

    Gamma-aminobutyric acid structure

    GABA, aka γ-aminobutyric acid, is found in the brain of animals and is the main inhibitory substance of nerves. It is an amino acid widely distributed in nature, such as tomatoes, mandarins, grapes, potatoes, eggplant, pumpkin and cabbage. Etc., in many fermented or germinated foods and cereals also contain GABA, such as kimchi, pickles, miso, and germinated rice.

    GABA Production

    Gamma-aminobutyric acid is produced by using L-glutamic acid sodium as raw material by fermentation of Lactobacillus hilgardii, heat sterilization, cooling, activated carbon treatment, filtration, addition of compounding materials (starch), spray drying and the like.

    Fermented GABA, which has natural health benefits compared to other synthetic products.

    Consumption ≤500 mg / day

    Quality requirements

    Traits white or light yellow powder

    γ-aminobutyric acid           20%,30%,40%,50%,60%,70%,80%,90%

    Moisture                           ≤10%

    Ash                                  ≤18%

    Mechanism of action

    GABA will rapidly enter the bloodstream, bind to the GABA receptor on the cells, inhibit the sympathetic nerves, and enhance the activity of the parasympathetic nerves, increase the alpha wave and inhibit the beta wave, and relieve the pressure.

    Scope of use:

    Beverages, cocoa products, chocolate and chocolate products, confectionery, baked goods, puffed food, but not including infant food.

    GABA is approved as new resource food by the Chinese government.

    Content More than 98%

    Meet national standards and Japanese AJI standards

    Cooperation with research institutions

    Lactic acid bacteria fermentation process

    Advantages of fermented GABA

    The main thing is to be responsible for your safety. The GABA produced by the fermentation method can be directly used in the food and pharmaceutical industries because of the use of lactic acid bacteria and internationally recognized food safety grade microorganisms. It is really the first choice for your home travel.

    However, the chemical synthesis method produces GABA, although the reaction is rapid and the product purity is high, the dangerous solvent is used in the production process. The toxic components in the product are complicated, the reaction conditions are harsh, the energy consumption is large, and the cost is large. It is mainly used in the chemical industry. There are considerable security risks in the application of food and medicine.

    Main effects

    • Improve sleep and improve brain vitality
    • Regulating the autonomic nervous system, slowing down tension
    • Reduce stress, improve and expressiveness
    • Promote ethanol metabolism (wake up)
    • Relieve and treat hypertension

    Improved sleep quality

    It was found that 3 out of 5 people in the pink collar family had insomnia problems, such as “insomnia almost every day”, “insomnia in these months” or “occasional insomnia in these months”. Only about 12% of the respondents who answered “have never been insomnia so far”.

    In order to spend every day happy and comfortable, help sleepers

    The market for products will gradually expand.

    Anti-stress effect

    Brain wave measurement, comparative relaxation test

    Ingestion of GABA not only increases the amount of chopping, but also suppresses the amount of chopping, so GABA has a very good relax function.

    Improve learning ability

    In Japan, related experiments have been carried out. After the intake of GABA, the correct answer rate of students who have a mental arithmetic test has improved significantly. There are a large number of GABA products in Japan.

    Applicable people:

    For office white-collar workers, high-paying and work-stressed people. Long-term stress can cause low work efficiency and emotional instability, and it is necessary to supplement GABA in time to decompress and relieve mood.

    Need to improve the sleeping population. The main cause of insomnia is that people’s nerves are too nervous, and they can’t relax at night when they sleep, leading to insomnia. GABA can increase the alpha brain wave, inhibit the production of CGA, relax people and promote sleep.

    The elderly.

    When a person reaches old age, he is often accompanied by a phenomenon in which the eyes are invisible and the ears are unclear.

    A collaborative study by Chinese and American scientists shows that the human brain

    Aging is an important cause of abnormalities in the elderly’s sensory system.

    The reason is the absence of “gamma-aminobutyric acid”.


    γ-aminobutyric acid promotes ethanol metabolism. For alcoholics, taking γ-aminobutyric acid and drinking 60ml of whiskey, blood was taken to determine the concentration of ethanol and acetaldehyde in the blood, and the concentration of the latter was found rthat the significantly should be lower than that of the control group.

    Applicable areas:

    Sports food

    Functional dairy

    Functional drink

    Nutritional supplement


    Baked goods

    GABA processing characteristics:

    Good water solubility

    Solution clear and transparent

    The flavor and smell are pure, no smell

    Good processing stability (thermal stability, pH)

    Existing market product analysis

    GABA Chocolate

    Product introduction: GABA can effectively relax the nerve and achieve the effect of decompression and anti-anxiety. Especially suitable for office workers, it has a good effect on concentration and improvement of work efficiency.

    GABA powder

    Product introduction: GABA can effectively relax the nerves, block the muscles to move, immediately reduce fine wrinkles, and the lines created by stress. It has a very good effect on expression lines and firming skin. Collagen keeps the water in the stratum corneum and moisturizes the skin.

    GABA Sugar Tablets

    Product introduction: It uses natural fermented γ-aminobutyric acid as the main raw material, supplemented by traditional Chinese medicine, sour jujube kernel, which is refined by advanced technology. It can effectively improve symptoms such as mental discomfort, restlessness, and neurasthenia, and has a good effect on treating insomnia.

    GABA Capsule

    Product introduction: Specially added GABA, a natural fermentation product, with safe and reliable quality. Help people who are suffering from stress, stress and insomnia for a long time to ease their anger, relieve their emotions, relax their throttle and tightness, and help sleep.

    How to better serve our customers

    1. Content: 20%~99%, to meet the individual needs of different customers.
    2. Cost-effective, reducing your costs.
    3. GMP standards to ensure product quality.
    4. HPLC test to meet AJI and China light industry standards.
    5. Ensure sufficient inventory and timely delivery.
    6. Strong after-sales service.
    7. Lactobacillus fermentum fermentation, safe and reliable

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