Borongan Resveratrol 98% pabrik jeung suppliers | Tong Rui Bio-Tech

Resveratrol 98%

Pondok Description:

Resveratrol mangrupakeun phytoalexin kajadian sacara alami dihasilkeun ku sababaraha tutuwuhan leuwih luhur dina respon kana tatu atawa inféksi jamur. Phytoalexins mangrupakeun zat kimia dihasilkeun ku tutuwuhan salaku pertahanan ngalawan infeksi ku mikroorganisme pathogenic, kayaning fungi. Alexin téh ti Yunani, nu hartina mun Ward kaluar atanapi ngajaga. Resveratrol ogé bisa mibanda alexin-kawas aktivitas keur manusa. Epidemiological, dina vitro sarta studi sato nyarankeun yén hiji asupan resveretrol tinggi anu pakait sareng incidence ngurangan panyakit cardiovascular, sarta résiko ngurangan keur kanker.

  • FOB Harga: US $0.5 - 2000 / KG
  • Min.Order kuantitas: 1 KG
  • Suplai Kamampuhan: 10000 KG / per Bulan
  • Pelabuhan: Shanghai / Beijing
  • Sarat pembayaran: L / C, D / A, D / P, T / T
  • :
  • jéntré produk

    Tags produk

    Resveratrol is a naturally occurring phytoalexin produced by some higher plants in response to injury or fungal infection. Phytoalexins are chemical substances produced by plants as a defense against infection by pathogenic microorganisms, such as fungi. Alexin is from the Greek, meaning to ward off or to protect. Resveratrol may also have alexin-like activity for humans. Epidemiological, in vitro and animal studies suggest that a high resveretrol intake is associated with a reduced incidence of cardiovascular disease, and a reduced risk for cancer.

    Ngaran produk: Resveratrol  98%

    spésifikasi:98% ku HPLC

    Botanic Sumber: Polygonum Cuspidatum nimba

    Bagian Dipaké: Akar

    Warna: bubuk bodas

    Ngaran séjén: trans-3,4,5-Trihydroxystilbene; 3,4 ', 5-Trihydroxy-trans-stilbene; 5 - [(1E) -2- (4-Hydroxyphenyl) ethenyl] -1,3-benzenediol; 5 - [(e) -2- (4-hydroxyphenyl) ethenyl] bénzéna-1,3-diol; Veratrum album L alkohol; Trans-Resveratrol
    CAS No.:501-36-0
    Rumus Molekul: C14H12O3
    Molucular beurat: 228,24
    nyusun: bodas kristalin bubuk
    purity: 95%, 98%, 99%

    Status GMO: GMO Free

    Packing: di 25kgs drum serat

    Neundeun: Simpen wadahna unopened di tiis, tempat garing, Simpen jauh ti lampu kuat

    Rak Kahirupan: 24 bulan ti tanggal produksi



    2. Pangaruh kana sistem cardiovascular
    3. antibakteri sarta antifungal
    4. nourish jeung ngajagaan ati
    5. antioksidan sarta quench bébas-radikal
    6. Dampak dina métabolisme masalah osseous


    Dilarapkeun dina widang pangan, ayeuna teh dipake salaku aditif dahareun jeung fungsi tina manjangkeun hirup.
    Dilarapkeun dina widang farmasi, ayeuna teh remen dipake salaku suplement ubar atawa bahan OTCS na owns efficacy alus keur pengobatan kanker jeung panyakit cardio-cerebrovascular.
    Dilarapkeun di comestics, éta bisa reureuh sepuh sarta radiasi Nyegah UV.


    Inpo leuwih ti TRB

    sertifikasi Aturan
    USFDA, Acép, halal halal GMP Sértipikat ISO
    Quality dipercaya
    Ampir 20 taun, ékspor 40 nagara jeung wewengkon, leuwih ti 2000 bets dihasilkeun TRB boga masalah naon kualitas, prosés purifikasi unik, impurity jeung kontrol purity papanggih USP, ep na CP
    System Quality komprehensif


    ▲ Quality System jaminan

    ▲ kontrol Dokumén

    ▲ Validasi System

    ▲ Pelatihan System

    ▲ internal Inok Protocol

    ▲ System Inok Suppler

    ▲ Equipment Fasilitas System

    ▲ Bahan System Control

    ▲ System Control Produksi

    ▲ bungkusan System panyiri

    ▲ Laboratorium System Control

    ▲ Verifikasi System Validasi

    ▲ Regulasi Urusan System

    Sumber jeung prosés sakabeh kontrol
    Strictly controlled all raw material,accessories and packaging materials.Preferred raw materials and accessories and packaging materials supplier with U.S. DMF number.

    Sababaraha bahan baku suppliers salaku jaminan suplai.

    Lembaga Koperasi kuat pikeun ngarojong
    Institute of botani / Institusi tina mikrobiologi / Akademi Élmu jeung téhnologi / Universitas


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