Isitolo esidayisa yonke impahla Tea Vine Khiphela Dihydromyricetin 98% abakhiqizi nabaphakeli | Tong Rui Bio-Tech

Tea Vine Khiphela Dihydromyricetin 98%

Incazelo emfushane:

Dihydromyricetin Powder kuyinto yamagilebhisi umvini itiye bohlobo akhiphe umvini itiye flavonoid main isithako, izinto ezifana ne khulula behlwaya olukhulu, antioxidant, antithrombotic, anti-isimila, imiphumela eqeda ukuvuvukala nezinye abangaziwa; futhi dihydro Myricetin kukhona uhlobo olukhethekile flavonoid, Isixazululo utshwala poisoning, nokuvimbela utshwala isifo sesibindi, isibindi okunamafutha, ezivimbela Ukulandelana amaseli isibindi, ukunciphisa izinga lokuhlasela kwesifo nomdlavuza wesibindi, antihypertensive, zivimbela platelet wokuhlanganisa ngaphandle kwesibeletho kanye ahleleka vivo ka thrombus, ukunciphisa lipid kanye noshukela egazini, ukuthuthukisa umsebenzi wapheka futhi hepatoprotective ngakho has imiphumela ekhethekile.

  • Fob Inani: US $0.5 - 2000 / KG
  • Min.Order Ubuningi: 1 KG
  • Supply Ikhono: 10000 KG / Inyanga ngayinye
  • Imbobo: Shanghai / Beijing
  • Inkokhelo Imigomo: L / C, D / A, D / P, T / T
  • :
  • umkhiqizo Imininingwane

    umkhiqizo Amathegi

    Dihydromyricetin Powder is a grape vine genus tea extract,vine tea flavonoids main active ingredient,such substances with free radical scavenging, antioxidant,antithrombotic,anti-tumor,anti-inflammatory and other strange effects; and dihydro Myricetin are a special kind of flavonoids,Solution of alcohol poisoning, the prevention of alcoholic liver disease, fatty liver,inhibiting the progression of liver cells, reduce the incidence of liver cancer, antihypertensive, inhibit platelet aggregation in vitro and in vivo formation of thrombus, reduce lipid and blood sugar levels, improve SOD activity and hepatoprotective so has special effects.  


    Igama lomkhiqizo: Vine Tea Extract Dihydromyricetin 98%

    Umthombo Botanical: Hovenia dulcis / Tea Vine

    CAS Ayikho: 27200-12-0

    Plant Ingxenye esetshenzisiwe: Leaf

    Isithako: Dihydromyricetin

    Yokuncwaninga izinsimbi kanye namakhemikhali: Dihydromyricetin 98% ngo HPLC

    Umbala: off-elimhlophe ukukhanya powder ephuzi isici iphunga nokunambitheka

    Isimo GMO: GMO Mahhala

    Packing: in 25 kgs fiber drums

    Isigcini: Gcina esitsheni lizihlalele e cool, endaweni eyomile, Dedani ekukhanyeni okunamandla

    Shelf Life: izinyanga 24 kusukela ngosuku ukukhiqizwa



    -Clearing mahhala olukhulu emzimbeni antioxidation: Umvini tea akhiphe Ungakwazi level ngempumelelo phansi peroxidation lipid. Kungaba ukuvimbela umonakalo oxidative ka antioxidase emzimbeni okubangelwa khulula olukhulu. Khona-ke lingakwazi ngcono ukumelana namachibi zomzimba womuntu.

    Isenzo -Antibiotic: Umvini tea akhiphe ine isinyathelo esiqatha inhibitory of Staphylococcus aureus futhi Bacillus subtilis. It Ubuye isenzo inhibitory ka-Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus Niger, Penicillium futhi Alternaria. Dihydromyricetin  has isenzo inhibitory of Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus aureus (S. Aureus) kanye Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

    -Protecting le Isibindi: Dihydromyricetin ine isinyathelo esiqatha inhibitory of ukuvelela ALT AST ku Serum igazi. Ingakwazi ongaphakeme le bilirubin Imininingwane ku serum igazi. Ngakho it has isinyathelo esiqatha ka lokubhonsa le aminotransferase kanye jaundice. Umvini tea akhiphe kungaba ukulawula cystic isibindi ku-rat.

    -Reducing amazinga kashukela futhi igazi namanoni: Dihydromyricetin  kunganciphisa amazinga amafutha igazi e igundane. Kungaba wehlise lokulimala kwamangqamuzana kwesibindi ukusebenza okubangwa yileli high blood amazinga amafutha kanye ngcono ikhono antioxidation. Ngesikhathi esifanayo, it can ongaphakeme amazinga kashukela high blood.

    -Anti-ukuvuvukala: Umvini tea akhiphe kungaba wokuvimba ngempumelelo ukuvuvukala igundane pinna kubangelwa xylene. Ingase futhi wokuvimba impendulo writhing e igundane kubangelwa acetic acid.

    -Anti-isimila: Umvini tea akhiphe has ngempumelelo wokuvimba kuseli ekwandeni kwamanye amaseli lwesimila.

    Dihydromyricetin (Ampelopsin  (flavanol); Ampeloptin ) kuyinto antioxidant yemvelo ezinamathuba amahle. I izakhiwo physicochemical ka  dihydromyricetin (Ampelopsin (flavanol); Ampeloptin)  abangu ngokuzuzisayo spectrometry ultraviolet-ebonakalayo, spectrometry infrared, ukuskena electron microscopy, umehluko ukuskena calorimetry,-X-ray diffractometry. Umphumela wabonisa ukuthi dihydromyricetin (Ampelopsin (flavanol) ; Ampeloptin)  kanye lecithin ku eziyinkimbinkimbi yahlanganiswa ngu isibopho-non-covalent, akazange yakha ekhuthaza entsha kanye solubility of dihydromyricetin  in n-octanol was significantly enhanced. It was found that the dihydromyricetin –lecithin complex was an effective scavenger of DPPH radicals with an IC5 0 of 22.60 μg/mL. In the Rancimat antioxidant test using lard oil as substrate, the performance of the complex with protection factor of 6.67 was superior to that of butylated hydroxytoluene with protection factor of 5.54.

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