Wholesale Oleanolic Acid powder manufacturers and suppliers | Tong Rui Bio-Tech

Oleanolic Acid Powder

جي مختصر تشريح:

Oleanolic امل مضبوط مخالف ايچ سرگرمي exhibit کي مليو هو، ان جي متعلق مرڪب betulinic امل جي پهرين تجارتي maturation inhibitor دوا پيدا ڪرڻ لاء استعمال ڪيو ويو. اهو پهريون ڀيرو اڀياس ۽ روزا woodsii (پنن) سميت ڪيترن ئي نباتات، Prosopis glandulosa (پنن ۽ ڀتي پيھر)، Phordendron juniperinum (سڄو ٻوٽو)، Syzygium claviflorum (پنن)، Hyptis capitata (سڄو ٻوٽو)، ۽ Ternstromia gymnanthera (وايو کان اڪيلائيء ويو ڀاڱو). جاوا صوف (Syzygium samarangense) شامل آهن ۽ اٿي apples ان تي مشتمل ٻين Syzygium ذات.

  • FOB قيمت: US $0.5 - 2000 / KG
  • Min.Order مقدار: 1 ڪلو
  • جي فراهمي جي سگهه: 10000 رپيا / رپيا مهينو
  • پورٽ: شنگھائي / بيجنگ
  • ادائگي جي شرطن: آيل / س، د / ج، د / p، ٽي / ٽي
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  • پيداوار وڌيڪ تفصيل

    پيداوار ٽيگ

    Oleanolic امل جنهن هڪ ٽي pentacyclic Swertia جي Gentianaceae ريء کان اڪيلائيء triterpenoids آهي سڄي پٺو يا privet ڦر mileensis، هڪ آزاد لاش ۽ ڪيترائي وڻوٽا ۾ glycosides سان. Oleanolic امل نباتات ۾ وڏين جي حد تائين آهي، ۽ ان جي سراسري مواد 0،2٪ آهي - 2٪. Cucurbitaceae اعلي مواد 1.5٪ ~ hunchback تري 2٪، 0.6٪ ~ 0،7٪ .Oleanolic امل جي privet ڦر مواد pentacyclic triterpenoid جي genus Asteraceae، Syzygium sylvestris، يا Ligustrum lucidum جي ڦر مان اڪيلائيء مرڪب جو هڪ قسم آهي. اهو هڪ جگر جي بيماري adjuvant ۽ clinically therapeutic انفيڪشن جي لاء استعمال ڪيو آهي. خطرناڪ يرقان ۾ هيپاٽائيٽس alanine aminotransferase ۽ yellowing.Oolic امل ڪش تي پڌرو اثرات اٿس هڪ pentacyclic swertia chinensis يا fructus جي ڦر مان اڪيلائيء triterpenoids جي gentianaceae ٻوٽي کان ligustris آهي. Oleanolic امل وڏي پيماني تي، نباتات ۾ مليو آهي 0،2٪ ~ 2٪ مان هڪ عام مواد سان [1]. calabash جي تري جي مواد 1.5٪ ~ 2٪ هو، ۽ fructus ligustris جي ڦر جي مواد 0.6٪ ~ 0،7٪ هو. Oleanolic امل اڇو acicular ٿانون (ethanol)، odorless ۽ tasteless آهي. تيزابي ۽ bases کي ڪرشماتي. ڳرڻ 308 ~ 310 جي نقطي ℃، [ألفا] 20 د + 73.3 درجا (ج = 0،15، chloroform، پاڻيء ۾ insoluble، methanol ۾ وليء، ethanol، ethyl اسوار، acetone ۽ chloroform.Oleanolic امل، هڪ قدرتي ايندڙ triterpenoid آهي وڏي پيماني تي تقسيم کاڌو ۽ ومزاح، نباتات ۾، betulinic امل سان لاڳاپيل. اهو Phytolacca americana (آمريڪي pokeweed) ۾ ملي ڪري سگهجي ٿو، ۽ Syzygium سپ، ٿوم، وغيره اهو نسبتا غير toxic آهي، hepatoprotective، ۽ exhibits antitumor ۽ antiviral مال.
    Oleanolic امل ويو مضبوط مخالف ايچ سرگرمي exhibit کي ڏٺائين، ته لاڳاپيل مرڪب betulinic امل جي پهرين تجارتي maturation inhibitor دوا پيدا ڪرڻ لاء استعمال ڪيو ويو آهي. ان جي پهرين اڀياس ۽ روزا woodsii (پنن) سميت ڪيترن ئي نباتات، مان اڪيلائيء ويو، Prosopis glandulosa (پنن ۽ ڀتي پيھر)، Phordendron juniperinum (سڄو ٻوٽو)، Syzygium claviflorum (پنن)، Hyptis capitata (سڄو ٻوٽو)، ۽ Ternstromia gymnanthera (وايو حصو). جاوا صوف سميت ٻين Syzygium ذات (Syzygium samarangense) ۽ اٿي صوف جي ان تي مشتمل.


    شئ جو نالو: Oleanolic امل  98 ٪

    Specification: 98٪ HPLC جي

    Botanic ذريعو: Olea Europea ست

    ڪيميائي نالو: (3β) -3-Hydroxyolean-12-دڳ 28-او امل

    كأس نه: 508-02-1

    حصو استعمال: پتي

    رنگ: خصلت گند ۽ مزو سان سفيد پائوڊر

    GMO اسٽيٽس: GMO ڪانهي

    Packing: 25kgs مڱريو ڏين ۾

    اسٽوريج: مين، سڪي جاء تي unopened ظرف رکو، مضبوط روشني کان پري رکيو

    إلى زندگي: پيداوار جي تاريخ کان 24 مهينن کان


    What is oleanolic acid?

    Oleanolic acid (OA), a natural hydroxyl pentacyclic triterpenoid acid (HPTA) similar to betulinic acid, ursolic acid; it has benefits like antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antitumor activities.

    Oleanolic acid structure

    Where can you find oleanolic acid?

    Oleanolic acid has used traditionally for the treatment of various diseases,you can find it in food and plants widely.

    Some fruits like apples, pomegranate, lemon, bilberries, olives contain oleanolic acid too.

    oleanolic acid sources

    Herb Name Oleanolic acid content Test method
    Ligustrum lucidum Ait 0.8028% HPLC
    Verbena Officinalis L 0.071%-0.086% HPLC
    Prunella vulgaris L 3.47%-4.46% HPLC
    Hemsley Chinensis Cogn. 1.5%~2% HPLC

    Currently, Chinese herb Hemsley Chinensis Cogn still is the most commercial raw material for extracting oleanolic acid.

    Hemsley Chinensis Cogn. Introduction

    Hemsleya chinensis Cogn. is a perennial climbing herb, also is traditional Chinese medicine.

    Familia: Cucurbitaceae

    Tribus: Gomphogyneae

    Genus: Hemsleya

    Species: H. amabilis

    The herb is distributed in provinces Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Hubei, etc. Born in the forest edge and valley shrubs at an altitude of about 2,000 meters.

    Active ingredients: contains Hemslolide Mal、Ma3、H1; Chikusetsusaponin-Iva; dihydro cucurbitacin F-25-acetate; dilydrocucurbitacin F; oleanolic acid-beta-Hlucosyloleanolate;  Hemsamabilinin A; Cu-curbitacinⅡb-2-beta-D-glucopyranoside.

    Medicinal Values:

    Hemsleya chinensis Cogn. is mainly for detoxification, sterilization, anti-inflammatory, strengthening the stomach and relieving pain. Currently, there are extracts powder, or compound preparations such as capsules, tablets, gastrointestinal pills, etc., which are widely used in clinical practice.

    Hemsleya chinensis Cogn

    Extraction of Oleanolic acid from Hemsleya Chinensis Cogn.

    Oleanolic acid manufacturing

    Formulas containing Oleanolic acid in Food supplements

    We found that the oleanolic acid used in health supplements mainly comes from three kinds of plant extracts: Loquat leaf extract, Hemsley Chinensis extract, and holy basil extract.

    • Holy Basil powder (leaf) (0.4% Ursolic acid and Oleanolic acid, 2.0 mg)
    • Holy Basil supercritical CO2 extract (leaf) (Ocimum tenuiflorum Linn.) (2.5% Ursolic acid and Oleanolic acid, 1.5 mg)
    • Loquat Extract (fruit) (providing Ursolic acid, Oleanolic Acid) (Standardized to Ursolic acid Per Serving 125mg)

    Oleanolic acid FORMULA

    Oleanolic acid VS Ursolic acid

    Oleanolic acid (OA) and ursolic acid (UA) are natural triterpenoids that have a similar chemical structure.

    These triterpenoids compounds are known to exist in medicinal herbs and foods.

    They have many common pharmacological properties: hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, hypoglycemic, antimutagenic, anti-HIV activity, antioxidant, and antifertility activities.

    Oleanolic acid VS Ursolic acid comparison

    OA and UA difference:

    شئ جو نالو Oleanolic acid Ursolic acid
    CAS NO. 508-02-1 77-52-1
    Pentacyclic triterpenes  β-Amyrin α-Amyrin
    Herb sources Loquat leaf, Holy Basil, Rosemary, Olive leaf.etc.
    Specifications 40%,98%powder 15%,25%,50%,98%powder
    Appearance(color and odor) 40% light yellow98%white powderodorless 15%-50% brown-yellow or yellow98%white powderCharacteristic
    Distinguishing IR:(1355~1392cm-1) two peaks(1245~1330cm-1) three peaksNMR:δ(C12)122.1,δ(C13)143.4 (1355~1392cm-1) three peaks(1245~1330cm-1) three peaksδ(C12)125.5,δ(C13)138.0
    Derivatives Oleanolic sodium saltOleanolic acid phosphate disodium salt3-oxo oleanolic acid

    bardoxolone methyl (CDDO-Me)

    Ursolic sodium salt and its dicarboxylic acid half ester derivativesUrsolic acid ketene derivatives3-carbon ursolic acid

    3-acetoxyursolic acid

    Potential anticancer UA is more popular than OA.

    Biological Activities of Oleanolic Acid

    1. Anti-Tumour/Anti-Cancer Effects

    Inhibitory effect of oleanolic acid on hepatocellular carcinoma via ERK-p53-mediated cell cycle arrest and mitochondrial-dependent apoptosis

     – by Xin Wang, Hua Bai, etc. Researchers

    OA exhibited an inhibitory effect on HCC through induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest both in transplanted tumors and in HepG2 cells.

    OA induced apoptosis through the mitochondrial pathway, evidenced by inhibition of Akt/mammalian target of rapamycin pathway.

    OA induced G2/M cell cycle arrest through p21-mediated down-regulation of cyclin B1/cdc2.

    OA demonstrated significant antitumor activities in HCC in vivo and in vitro models. These data provide new insight into the mechanisms underlying the antitumor effect of OA.

    In addition, research shows that OA and its derivative Oleanolic acid methyl ester also have effects on breast cancer, lung cancer, bladder cancer, cervical cancer, pancreatic cancer cells…

    Oleanolic Acid benefits

    1. Antimicrobial Activity

    OA is expected to possess antimicrobial activity against a wide range of pathogens for it plays a vital role in defending against pathogens in plants.

    OA showed moderate activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus Thuringiensis at 62.5 µg/mL and Escherichia coli, Salmonella Enterica, and Shigella dysenteriae at 31.2 µg/mL minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC).

    1. Hepatoprotective Ability

    One of the notable bioactivities of OA is the protection of the liver against toxicity and is currently being used as an over the hepatic counter drug in China.

    In Wistar albino rats, OA from Flaveria Trinervia was used and had a significant protective effect on ethanol-induced liver toxicity by restoring the hepatotoxic serum marker enzyme levels. This study suggested the antioxidant ability of OA as another possible mechanism of its hepatoprotective ability.

    Oleanolic Acid and its derivatives

    Oleanolic Acid and its derivatives

    Oleanolic Acid Clinical Trials

    Oleanolic acid (sourced from olive), there are about 500 registered clinical trials, showed it had beneficial effects in clinical trials on chronic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, and some inflammatory conditions such as arthritis.

    Most popular derivatives in clinical trials are bardoxolone methyl (CDDO-Me). CDDO-Me was evaluated in tumor biopsies, and it might be able to play a role in the treatment of chronic kidney disease, it is currently being assessed in effects on hypertension.


    Chinese Pharmacopoeia Standard of Oleanolic Acid

    شئ جو نالو Oleanolic Acid
    سڃاڻپ (1)Take 30mg of this product, put it in a test tube, add 3ml of chloroform to dissolve, add two drops of sulfuric acid, shake for 5 minutes, the chloroform layer is purple-red.
    (2)Take about 20mg of this product, add 1ml of acetic anhydride, dissolve it with a slight heat, add sulfuric acid to the purple color, and darken after placing.
    (3)Take about 10mg of this product, add vanillin glacial acetic acid solution (take vanillin 0.5g, add 10ml of glacial acetic acid to dissolve, that is) 0.2ml, add 0.8ml of perchloric acid, and heat it for several minutes in a water bath. Fuchsia, add 2ml of ethyl acetate, purple-red dissolved in ethyl acetate, placed without discoloration.
    (4)The infrared absorption spectrum of this product should be consistent with the control spectrum.
    Determination of assay Take 0.15g of this product, accurately weigh it, add 30ml of ethanol, shake it, heat it in a warm water bath to dissolve, let cool to room temperature, add 3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, make potassium hydroxide solution with ethanol (0.05mol/L) Titrate immediately and correct for blank test. Potassium hydroxide solution (0.05 mol/L) per 1 ml of ethanol corresponds to 22.84 mg of C30ايڇ 48اي 3.

    Oleanolic acid recommend dosage

    According to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia Standard, Oleanolic acid Oral dose is 20~80mg per time,60~240mg per day.

    Oleanolic acid side effects

    Oleanolic acid used as an over the counter (OTC) hepatoprotective drug for decades in China.

    If overdose or incorrect, a small number of patients have dry mouth, diarrhea, upper abdominal discomfort, and can disappear after symptomatic treatment.

    Please consult your physician or pharmacist before using this product.


    1.Oleanolic امل نسبتا غير toxic آهي، antitumor، ۽ hepatoprotective، گڏو گڏ antiviral مال exhibiting.
    2.Oleanolic امل مضبوط مخالف ايچ سرگرمي exhibit کي مليو هو.
    3.Oleanolic امل oxidative ۽ electrophile دٻاء جي خلاف خانا جو هڪ اهم سڄڻ آھي.
    4.Oleanolic امل وائرس هيپاٽائيٽس، خطرناڪ icteric هيپاٽائيٽس ۽ دائم هيپاٽائيٽس trating تي وڏو اثر ڇڏيو آهي.
    1. کائڻ جي ميدان ۾ اپلائيڊ، ان کي چانهه جي خام مال جي طور تي عمل بلگم جي خاتمي لاء سگهي ٿو؛
    2. ساز جي ميدان ۾ اپلائيڊ، ان کي گهٽ toxic سان هڪ نئين مخالف سمورين دوا ٿيندو؛
    3. زيبائشي ميدان ۾ اپلائيڊ، ان جي رت جي گردش ۽ هٽائي مشروب invigorate ڪري سگهو ٿا.




    TRB جي وڌيڪ معلومات

    ريگيوليشن جي سرٽيفڪيشن
    USFDA، CEP، صاف هلال GMP ايس او وٽان سرٽيفڪيٽ
    معتبر خاصيت
    تقريبا 20 سال، ايڪسپورٽ 40 ملڪن ۽ علائقن، وڌيڪ 2000 تجربو TRB جي روپ ۾ ڪو به ڪنهن به معيار مسئلا، منفرد پاڪ عمل، impurity ۽ ساراھيو ڪنٽرول ملن ٿا USP، EP ۽ CP آهن
    جامع خاصيت منڊل


    ▲ خاصيت يقين منڊل

    ▲ دستاويز قبضي

    ▲ توثيق منڊل

    ▲ جي سکيا جو نظام

    ▲ اندروني آڊٽ پروٽوڪول

    ▲ Suppler آڊٽ منڊل

    ▲ جي سامان جو سهوليتون منڊل

    ▲ سامان ڪنٽرول نظام

    ▲ پيشڪش ڪنٽرول نظام

    ▲ پيڪنگ مان وڏي رڪاوٽ منڊل

    ▲ ليبارٽري ڪنٽرول نظام

    ▲ چڪاس وارو توثيق منڊل

    ▲ ريگيوليٽري معاملن منڊل

    ڪنٽرول سڄي ذريعن ۽ Processes
    سختي سان ڪنٽرول سڀ خام مال، لوازمات ۽ پيڪنگ جي سامان جو يقين طور تي آمريڪا DMF number.Several را مواد suppliers سان خام مال ۽ لوازمات ۽ پيڪنگ مواد فراهم ڪرڻ materials.Preferred.
    حمايت ڪرڻ لاء مضبوط ڪوآپريٽو اداره
    انسٽيٽيوٽ آف سائنس جي microbiology / اڪيڊمي جي botany / اداري ۽ ٽيڪنالاجي / يونيورسٽي جي


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